Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Backpacking Photos

Here are some more pictures and memories from Scott.

This was Day 10, our second day out with Chad and Rich. Started out cold and frosty, but got sunny quick as we got up onto Snowgrass Flats at about 6600 feet. Then some clouds moved in as we crossed some screen slopes and onto the knife edge ridge trail that the Goat Rocks wilderness is famous for.

Chad & Scott crossing a snowfield with Mt. Adams in the background. We're still smiling at this point, because we have no idea what's coming.

Still Sunny, looking toward Mt. Rainier (not in the picture), not noticing the knife edge there that we'd be going over shortly. Doesn't look that bad from this angle and distance.

Crossing the snow-dusted screen slope as the clouds move in.

Tim out there on the snow-dusted scree slope. This was about the point I realized it wasn't all fun anymore. Had to take it slow, step carefully, and concentrate.

And then starting across the knife edge, at which point I was pretty well freaked, and just focusing on the 5 yards in front of me, for the next hour and a half. See if you can zoom in and follow the trail ahead of us. Chad & I took it slow, but Rich and Tim didn't seem to mind. It was a long rocky way down on either side. Near the end we got passed by 2 old ladies and their little dog. Nice.

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